Welcome To My World Or My Tale of Woe



February 10, 2018 tail/tale

Have you ever had one of those days?  You know, the kind of day that makes you just want to buy a gun and shoot something.  Well, I really would never do anything like that, but I sure came close yesterday.

Actually, yesterday was not really the beginning of this tale of woe, but rather just the last in a series of incompetent, thoughtless, events that have been making my life miserable.

My banking institution lost a deposit that was made by my daughter into our joint account.  This account was opened because we do not live in the same town and she and her husband have been helping me financially to help get me through some rather unfortunate circumstances.  I am truly blessed.

Ok, getting back to the lost deposit.  My daughter made the deposit the last week of January.  It was a week before I called her to see if she had forgotten to go to the bank.  She informed me the had gone.  I hated to tell her that it was never credited to our account.

My daughter went to her branch to investigate.  She was told that they could not locate the deposit and since she did not have her receipt there was nothing they could do.  Did you just hear my head snap around to look at the teller?

Ok, fast forward to this past Monday.  I went to my branch of the bank to pick up some papers that were faxed to them from the mortgage department.  The first thing I get told is that no one has seen these papers.  You guessed it.  The steam began to flow out of my ears.  The teller supervisor at my branch is a wonderful, caring, helpful woman who walked from behind the teller window and investigated what might have happened to them.  After a few minutes, she came walking out from a back office with papers in hand.  Needless to say, no one else was interested in assisting me.

It was at this point that I decided to voice my dissatisfaction with the institution that had the honour of taking care of my money.  I spoke to one of the officers of the branch explaining all of the unbelievable crap that I had been going through since my husband had passed away in 2016 and the lost deposit was just adding insult to injury.

She very diligently lodged a complaint with the home office.  By the time I arrived home, my phone was ringing.  This woman, I’ll call her Pia, (get it? as in pain in the ass) was not the least bit happy with me for lodging the complaint because she was the one responsible to locate the missing deposit.  She also felt that for my daughter and I to suspect that the money was pocketed by the teller was just the worse thing that she had ever heard of.  I explained that when my daughter investigated what happened to the deposit she was basically told that there was no recourse.

Now, here is where it gets really good.  My daughter used her debit card.  So, how is there no record of the deposit?  I specifically asked this Pia if there isn’t a record of every time the card is swiped.  I was told yes.  I asked if the bank card number was a unique signature.  I was told yes.  I asked her if the teller used the bank card, can’t she determine what happened.  I was told yes.

My daughter went back to the bank to again look into it.  She did not remember the exact date, but it was the last week of January.  She was told that there was no way for the bank to generate a report on her bank card.  So, in other words, tough cookies!

Ok, that’s the history.  Today Pia, called me to tell me that my daughter’s story is inconsistent and that there was nothing she could do about the missing money.  In other words, she insinuated that my daughter lied about the deposit.  Her reasons for saying nothing could be done was the fact that there was no receipt, she could not remember the exact date and that there was no record of her accessing bank 24 the online customer service site to have the home office look into it.

Can you imagine my reaction?  I told her that number one, my daughter was taught not to lie and she had no reason to lie about a deposit that was causing her so much grief.  For the record, my daughter is 46 years old.  Number two, I reminded Pia, that she had told me that a receipt was not necessary and further told me the debit card would indeed have a record of the transaction so it was not necessary to know the exact date.  Number three, the darn bank 24 customer online service has not been working for the last several days.

Now here’s the kicker.  Pia told me I was lying.  I asked for the name of her boss and a phone number I could reach that person with.  She refused to give it to me.  Can you believe this?  I was livid!

First thing Monday I will be closing my accounts.

I was so upset that I sliced open two fingers as I tried to cook supper last night!



6 thoughts on “Welcome To My World Or My Tale of Woe

  1. The grievance redressal channels need to be more responsive. I know of people who were withdrawing the entire salary in the non-digital days. The account was debited and the ATM did not dispense cash. Banks used to take two months to settle it, if the money was withdrawn from the ATM of another bank. I know this story will only aggravate your mindset further, but technology and customer service can both fail. It is only the intent to resolve a problem that helps.

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  2. That is awful! I wonder if the Better Business Bureau could intervene ? Also, there must be some way to find out who Pia’s boss is to report her. It is obvious they are covering for one another. I can’t believe she would think that you or your daughter are lying especially when your daughter is so kind as to be helping financially. I hope you can get the money, this is just so wrong.

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