Crunch Time

Daily Prompt:  Lollipop

Do you remember the Tootsie Roll Pop commercials that used to ask,  “How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll PoP? ”  It always made me crazy because I can’t just lick a lollipop.  No matter how hard I try, I start out licking and wind up just biting right through the hard candy.

As far as I am concerned, they should be called quick pops, not lollipops.  The name lollipop brings to my mind slowly savoring something I love, not eating it as fast as I can like when you have to swallow medicine.

I guess I should have realized that it was a warning of how things would be in my future. I am definitely not known for my patience.  I can actually feel myself start to shake inside sometimes when I have to wait.  Even at my ripe old age of 65, I still am a bit impatient.  And for the record, I was at the bank the other day and grabbed a lollipop off of the desk.  Before I knew what was happening I was crunching on the hard candy once again.  Somethings never change.  🙂


3 thoughts on “Crunch Time

  1. The more I read your blog, the more I see that we do have a lot in common. I’m the say way on the lollipops. I just can’t lick them…. have to bite!

    I see you collect cows. I collect pigs and have a pig kitchen. I’m trying to cull some of them now as they are taking over! Once people find out you collect them, it seems they’re always picking one up somewhere and before you know it, you’ve got way too many!

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