A Little Piece of My World

Cee’s Share Your World



When you’re alone at home, do you wear shoes, socks, slippers, or go barefoot?

I always used to go barefoot, but when we moved into this house I started to wear slippers. I am always running outside for one thing or another and since we don’t have grass here, I can’t go out in my barefeet. Putting something on my feet to just run to the car or something is too much trouble for me. So, slippers are now part of my every day attire.

What was your favorite food when you were a child?

When I was a child my favorite food was dessert. It still is for that matter. I would walk a mile out of my way to eat a piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting on it. I guess that explains my constant battle with my weight. Huh? But I always have loved steak, fried onions and potatoes, and salad. It is still my favorite meal.

Are you a listener or talker?

I’m a listener.  In my marriage my husband was the talker and that over flowed into our social group as well.
Favorite thing to (pick one): Photograph? Write? Or Cook?

My favorite things to photograph are animals. It’s always a challenge to capture just that right shot with them since they don’t pose on command. My favorite food to cook is salmon. I am not sure why, I just love to make salmon. It’s probably my favorite fish to eat too. Writing, well I don’t really have a favorite kind of writing. I write to force myself to do something I have always found difficult and to practice for when I am ready to write that novel some day.  I really do plan to write one.  You’ll see.

What is the easiest way for your to learn something new?  By reading, by seeing and doing, in a classroom?

I learn easiest with both reading and seeing.  It’s how I have always learned.  If I had to do without one, it would be the reading.  I can usually catch onto something by seeing how something is done.

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