
Daily Prompt:  Provoke


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I love spring.  I love seeing all of the plant life wake up after their long sleepy winter.  When I see the leaves bud on the trees and the daffodils popping through the ground they provoke memories of my childhood.

The spring brought with it daylight savings time so I could play outside after dinner.  All of us kids in the neighborhood would play hide and seek until it was time for bath and bed.  We usually fell asleep right away from all of the running around and fresh air.

Spring also brought Easter one of my favorite holidays.  We went to Mass in the morning, meeting my aunt and uncle and cousins, then to my grandmother’s for brunch.  My dad did the cooking for everyone.  Then my dad and uncle would take all of us kids to the cemetery to put flowers on my grandfather’s grave.  My mother, grandmother, and aunt would stay home saying they had to clean up after brunch.  When we got back, there was an Easter egg hunt.  What fun.  I loved those family days.

When I got married and had a family, the Easter celebration moved to my home.  My kids got to have the same kind of memories that I have from my childhood.  It warms my heart when my three kids are together and they start talking about the family times from when they were young.

I sigh as I look out my window, I see the grass turning green, the forsythia is blooming and the sun is brightly shining in the most beautiful Carolina Blue sky.


2 thoughts on “Spring

  1. Spring is my favorite season. It’s when the world comes alive again. Now if it would just quit raining every single day.

    I love your family memories. They always make me smile too.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥


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